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    Nice Razor tricks to work with lists (old tutorial)

    These demos can be tried and modified on your system!

    Just install the Razor-Lists App from the catalog

    Category List unsorted

    Add more items to the list and see how it remains exactly as you added them
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    Category List sorted A-Z

    Add more items to the list and see how they are automatically sorted alphabetically
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    This list is configurable

    It has some intro-text and a title from the @ListContent, and some configuration from the @ListPresentation. Just add some data to see how it works, and edit the list-header/presentation to discover how you can change the OL-list to a UL-list. 

    1. 2SexyContent

    List with examples of conditions...

    Note: to use this example, add a few items to see how the conditions affect the list. It currently demonstrates 3 tricks

    1. Adding the class "first" (purple) on the first item with the formula
      @(rowCounter == 0 ? "first" : "")
    2. Add the classes "even" or "odd" (italic) for every item with the formula
      @(rowCounter % 2 == 0 ? "even" : "odd")
    3. Add the classes "column1/2/3" (indent) for every item with the formula
      column@(rowCounter % 3 + 1) you can learn various tricks like special CSS-classes for the first item and stuff.

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    2serve . 2invent . 2create is 2be.